Saturday, May 8, 2010

Approaches and Influences

I crawl back to the keyboard after doing battle with demons. They are the creative sentinels of the ART GODS. They are the ones that block your entry if the ART GODS deems your offering too puny or too infrequently offered to consider.
I had not been offering watercolor in some time, as I have mentioned and I noticed a few things upon returning to the medium (besides the fact that I was doing it BADLY)
I noticed that my approach to watercolor was now influenced by how I had been approaching oil and pastel. Both of those require a kind of "blocking in" of subjects matter and building from there. Watercolor requires a purer approach. One needs a clear vision of where one is going as the medium is not tolerant to reworkings. Mostly, one has to get it "RIGHT" (what ever THAT means) the first time or the paper deadens.
This is the violets painting that I mentioned a bit ago. I started to get the hang of how to do it again but I am not really happy with the strength of it. SO. This weeks challenge? Find my balls! I am almost ready for those nasty demons now...